I have now (finally) got round to starting my very own
Twitter account, hurrah for me! I have thus far eschewed Facebook (can’t quite
put my finger on why), but Twitter appeals to me more as I’m hopeful that it will be a useful tool for
keeping up-to-date with the latest goings on in the library and archives world.
I have subsequently decided that I shall keep Twitter ‘strictly business’, as
it were (although I am currently trying to find a means to justify to myself
that perhaps following Stephen Fry would
be an entirely intellectual/professional decision…does that sound convincing?) With both RSS feeds and Twitter I think there
is the danger of assuming the ‘child in a sweetshop’ or more pertinently in my
case, the ‘girl in a bookshop’ mentality- i.e. getting a tad over excited and
wanting everything! I need to assume
some kind of self-control in order to quell my primary urge of gathering in more
than I can possibly read! There is a distinct risk of information overload with
both of these tools (although this doesn’t sound like a bad way to go if you
ask me!) At present I am quite content to lurk (in a completely non-sinister
way) in the background of Twitter and keep an eye on what’s afoot. I shall get
my act together soon and try and be more involved. I do however recall someone
else saying (please forgive me, I cannot at present remember where or from whom
I heard this) that with Twitter there is a sense of dropping in late to a
conversation and missing the gist of what’s going on. I hope this won’t be the case and I can keep
up with those I’m following (still not sure about this following/followers
lark- does alarmingly bring to mind cultic behaviours).
P.S. I have dexterously avoided mentioning Storify thus far
as I can’t quite get my head round it just yet. One for the future methinks!